Just remember, hot sugar is not only hot but also super sticky. Keep a bowl full of cold water beside your work station so that if you get some molten sugary goodness on your hand, finger, arm... you will be able to plunge the affected body part right into the cold water. For some reason, my natural tendency is to put the burning finger in my mouth - bad idea. So stay safe and make some brittle...

Hazelnut Brittle
Water 6 oz
Glucose or Corn Syrup 8 oz
Sugar 14 oz
Hazelnuts 7 oz
Whole Almonds 6 oz
Cocoa Nibs 2 oz
Salt ½ oz (1 t)
Butter 1 oz (2 T)
Baking Soda 1/8 oz (1/4 t)
Saucepan, Candy Thermometer, Heat-proof Spatula, Sheet pan, Silpat Mat
1. Combine sugar, water & glucose in a heavy saucepan fitted with a candy thermometer and bring to a boil. Do not stir at this point.
2. Continue to cook to 240F. Add the hazelnuts, cocoa nibs & salt. Begin stirring over high heat until the mixture reaches 290F (hard crack).
3. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the butter. Once incorporated, add the baking soda. Stir until the mixture looks whitish.
4. Immediately pour the brittle onto a silpat-lined sheet pan & allow to start cooling. When the edges are cool enough to handle, start pulling the brittle. Work around the mass & break off pieces as they harden. Continue pulling until all the brittle is cool.